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Did you hire a web design company to create a slick, eye-popping site for your business? Did you have a professional copywriter spin some compelling copy for you to convert those browsers into buyers? If so, good for you, you’re on the right track. However, we have some bad news for you. If you aren’t doing something to drive traffic to your site, then you’re just wasting your time and money. Luckily, SEO services firms exist to fulfill that third vital step, search engine optimization and marketing.

However, once you choose the most desirable service specialist, you will feel no tension. All the work will be on the shoulders of your SEO Services service company. Just for the sake of saving cash, if you will go for some inexpensive writer, get this to your mind which you will ruin your organization by your own hands.

Medium SEO companies seem to be the logical choice for many reasons. Not only can they afford the pay to have good quality SEO specialists on staff, but they’re also able to offer more customer assurance that the job will get done. They’re not too big to totally avoid you due to thousands of customers, and you’ll usually get prompt customer service. Pricing is usually in the middle range, and for the quality you get, it’s typically right on target.

The question of keyword placement has been the subject of much debate amongst SEO copywriters. While it is still unclear how much impact placement has, there is a general consensus that it has SOME impact. Be sure that your copywriter is aware of this impact. Popular opinion has it that keywords are more effective if they appear in headings, bolded text, links, and generally toward the beginning of the page.

If an SEO firm wants to change text, give the consultant lots of room. If a graphic can be modified so the words appear as text, be open-minded about the change. Chances are, it won’t hurt the overall look of the web site. SEO Agency Singapore professionals grit their teeth when clients say they want rankings and then resist change.

But this above approach can take a lot of time and the competition will be very tough as you will be competing against heavy hitters and the big players in the field who have a lot more resources than you do. Therefore, a better alternative would be to go for local or regional keywords, such as ‘Georgia SEO, or Atlanta SEO’. The competition here is a lot less making it easier to rank.

Up-front pricing – It’s pretty common to visit an SEO firm’s site, click on their deals, and find no prices. Why? They want you to pick up the phone, call them, and get hooked. The SEO company you can truly trust will keep things transparent by listing their prices on their web page.

So there you go. These are the most basic things you should do when looking for small business SEO services. Just try one service at a time and gradually increase your orders when you are fully satisfied with the results you are getting for your website.