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It’s not so often that people get to purchase a new badminton racket, so once you do you should make certain that you get the ideal badminton racket for beginners. With so many different kinds on the market, it can be exceedingly tricky to decide which one is ideal for you. While purchasing a badminton racket, then you need to first decide on what you are going to use it for. If you’re just beginning then a fundamental badminton racket may be enough, but if you’re a seasoned player then you should consider spending a bit extra on a top of the range badminton racket for beginners. It’s really all about what you intend to use the badminton racket for. The finest Badminton Rackets For Beginners Review have a look at the pros and cons of the different badminton racquets out there.

Look through, for no specific order, the a variety of badminton racquets on offer from many online shops and you will get a vast range of racquets that combine great quality and great convenience. You can also easily compare features along with your own experience and choose the best out there. If you’re not overly enthused about new names, the Amazons are generally well liked as they offer a good all rounder package, with great compact design and long durability, but do come with their disadvantages. Amazon has a good reputation for selling good quality merchandise and these racquets are no exception. There are a number of pros and cons to the Amazons, but they’re overshadowed by the excellent features they provide and the excellent value they provide.

Another popular choice is the Titleist Pro V1 badminton racket for most beginners. As you’d expect from a brand that’s known as a major firm for outdoor sports equipment, the Titleist Pro range is top of the range and is exceptionally durable. They provide great stability and lightweight design which make them a perfect selection for beginners or intermediate players. The biggest disadvantage is that it’s not the cheapest badminton racket on the current market, so if this is important to you then this is probably not the best badminton racket for beginners. Learn more about best badminton racket for intermediate player here.

For the more significant badminton racket purchaser, there’s the Spyder pro range from Amazon. This is definitely a powerful badminton racket also comes in at the top end of the purchase price spectrum. It’s very sleek and slim meaning you’ll get maximum usage from it, as it is fantastic for muscle building power and precision targeting. It does have some great reviews though and is highly suggested for beginners, as it is extremely stable.

The three big producers of badminton rackets available on the marketplace are Spyder, TaylorMade and Wilsonart. All of these brands produce rackets for all levels of play, from novices to professionals. All provide great value for money and the quality varies between each manufacturer. There’s no one best badminton racket for novices as everybody’s requirements are different. A good manual is to locate the best badminton racket for your own level of play and stick with that for best results.

The final main class is for intermediate players. This is a small tricky one, as some people today see beginner badminton racket as an inferior option to the more expensive professional badminton racket. In many ways they are both right. On the one hand for a cheaper option that’s Very Likely to last longer and perform better, but on the other hand you probably won’t be playing for long periods of time (unless you are an expert! ) .