0 3 min 3 yrs

We add and update new sites to our index each time we crawl the web, and we invite you to submit your URL here. We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.

Viability This is basically making sure your site does not have duplicate content of Google Indexing service spider traps where the crawling spider is trapped in a loop make sure you have a clean structure for the spiders to crawl.

If you place their link on your home page, or any other page with a PR of greater than zero, you lose out. Even if your page has a Google PageRank of only 1, THEN YOU LOSE OUT!! They get a share of your PR of 1, and you get a share of their PR of zero!

Do not forget to use good permalinks: In WordPress, Admin => Settings => permalinks => custom structure – put /tegory%/%postname%/ in the blank field. Use unrestricted.htaccess file to do it. Be sure your web browser supports this. Then make your Blog is visible to all: Admin => settings => privacy => Blog visibility => “I would like my Blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technocrati) and archivers”.

Remember my article of getting some free contents to fill up your blog? There are sites that provide free articles and let you to republish in your blog. This time, instead of using those articles, why don’t you AddNewURL your own articles to it? Just remember to submit the article with your resource box in it(usually placed in the end of the article). The resource box will include some information of you and most important, the URL of your blog. Next time, when Google crawls it, it will notice your blog’s link in the resource box.

Once you have a web presence you need to start to communicate with your potential customers, one way to do that is to use a newsletters, this can then be send via email, RSS, or social networks to get it to your reader.

George Tho is an IT support specialist. One of the best ways to speed up Windows Vista is using registry cleaners. Read his review on the top 3 Registry Cleaners that come with free scanning features to help you improve your system’s performance and remove errors.