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Becoming unemployed often means more than losing your job. As the initial shock begins to wear off, you may very well start to experience emotional and financial stress. Worse yet, as this stress builds within you, your unemployment may affect your relationships with family and friends. The longer unemployment lasts, the greater the stress may become. If you are to survive, you need to read these 7 steps on coping with unemployment stress.

Most People Do Not Like Their Job! According to the 2010 Macro Economic Report 80% of employees do not like their jobs. How unfortunate to have to get up every morning just to go to work and do something you don’t like to do. Yet 80% of you are doing it right now, trading time for money. How about you? Do you like what you are currently doing? If not then you should consider doing something about it.

Are you eligible for any rimligt avgångsvederlag if you were laid off? The amount of the severance will be determined by company policy. You may have the option of receiving a lump-sum payment or a continuation of salary for a set period of time.

I had become the foreigner. My first time in Korea was in June of 2001. Today there are many more foreign English teachers and other professions living in Korea and we do not stand out so much Labour Court but you will still notice you do stand out.

I reasonable severance pay will never forget that summer day when the buzz coming from Rumor Central was much louder than normal. As I began to think about what might be happening, I distinctly remember God telling me, “You’re going to be laid off today, but don’t worry. I’ve got everything under control.” I could not believe what I had heard. Within a few minutes, I was summoned to a room upstairs, with others. The events that unfolded shortly thereafter verified that indeed I was being laid off.

Obviously, after you lose your job immediately apply for the the benefits that may be available to you. Start applying for unemployment insurance, maintaining health insurance, preparing a resume, and planning for possible long term unemployment.

Have a financial nest egg – There are so many people that don’t think about having money set aside in case they are part of a company layoff. This is one of the most important tips for surviving a layoff. You will need money in order to purchase the basics such as food, gas for your vehicle and paying bills. The ancient rule is to have at least three to six months worth of funds available in the event of something like this. Better yet, try saving at least a year’s worth of funds.

You would be surprised at how much better a companies’ bottom line will be just by hiring the Throw-Aways. Think about it, years of experience, higher productivity, loyalty to the company, plays well with others and is willing to work for much less just to support their families.